
News Bulletin - for September 2021

Published Mon 27 Sep 2021

FFI-V September 2021 Bulletin

  • 2022 Australian Championship for Dec/Jan Cancelled
  • Calendar dates Internationally and FFI-Aus
  • FFI-V 2021-2022 Calendar
  • Local Coaching offer to members clubs.
  • FFI-V membership renewals now due for 2021-2022 season
  • New FFI ballot closes 11th October 2021.


The following was contained in an email received on 17th Sept. 2021 from the FFI-A:

At a committee meeting last evening we decided to cancel the National Championship scheduled for December - January at Sandringham Yacht Club due to travel uncertainties.

We are investigating the possibility of a Championship much later in the year (2022) once we have a clear pathway on travel from all state governments. We will keep you advised on our progress as plans evolve.


Calendar dates - Internationally and FFI-Australia:

59th AUS Championships, Perth, from 9th Mar 2023

2023 World Championships, Australia, Fremantle, Perth, 9th to 23rd Mar 2023

24th FFI-World Champ’s, Weymouth & Portland (WPNSA) UK, Jul–Aug 2025


Events on FFI-V 2021-2022 season Calendar if COVID restrictions allow include:

Cairn Curran Regatta, Cairn Curran SC, 27 & 28th November 2021

Sail Sandy, Sandringham Yacht Club, 26 & 27th Feb 2022

FFI-V Ossie McCutcheon Trophy, Gippsland Lakes YC, 19 & 20th Mar 2022

58th FFI-V State Championships, Gippsland Lakes YC, 26 & 27th Mar 2022

Click on regatta or club names above to link to their web page for further information.

More updates will follow in our next Bulletin.

COVID vaccination quotas permitting, the Cairn Curran Regatta may be our first opportunity to get out and travel to go sailing.  The CC Reservoir is currently showing 64% full (almost 20% more than same time last year) so looking good.
   Download the
CCR Recreation Guide for details of the local area with Map showing the Club at Ref: F5.     

Due to extended COVID restrictions, Sail Sandy (Click here to go to the Regatta page) has been rescheduled to February 2022 and all Flying Fifteen Intl. sailors are welcome to participate in this.  

Rounding out the season we will again run the Ossie McCutcheon Trophy regatta one week before the States in March. 


FFI-V is in the process of sending out invites to FFI-V members clubs with an offer to fund a coaching day at those clubs leading up to National or State Championships. 

This has partly come about from members feedback and in the circumstances where we find ourselves having FFI-V’s main coaching regatta “the Ossie McCutcheon Regatta” pushed out to the end of next season.  Feedback on how this goes will influence how we proceed in following seasons.

  • Clubs will need a minimum of 2 local FFI-V member boats to participate but coaching sessions to be open for FFI-V members from other clubs to participate.
  • A funding limit is being advised to clubs with a request they coordinate with FFI-V so as to not clash with dates selected by other clubs for the same purpose.

When dates have been agreed they will be advised through these FFI-V News Bulletins.


The FFI-V annual membership renewals for season 2021-2022 are now due.    

Go to our FFI-V website (click on underlined title) then go to the Membership page.

At the bottom of this page you will find a link to REGISTER or RENEW

        To pay by Credit Card use these links to renew your membership online.

        To pay by direct transfer or cheque download a membership form

                 from the bottom of the Membership page.

For Online renewal you will need to use your Australian Sailing number
as previously advised to FFI-V.
If you have any issues with the above or you need an Invoice from FFI-V please contact Dale Collings on 0415 595754 or email


FFI-V members who were Owners or the Principal Owner (for Joint Ownership) last season should have received the next FFI class ballot from the FFI-A Secretary (Michael Clark) by email today.      Voting closes 11th October 2021 (only 2 weeks from today).
Ensure you read the attachment to that email (the last page has comments and recommendations from the Australian Measurer that are not on the Online link). 

Action this now by voting online to ensure your membership vote is counted.

From Dale Collings

On Behalf of FFI-V

Files for download
FFI-V News Bulletin Sept 2021
