
News Bulletin - for Sept 2023

Published Sun 24 Sep 2023

FFI-V September 2023 Bulletin

  • Calendar dates next Worlds and Local
    2023-2024 FFI-V Season
  • FFI-V Membership Renewal is now due for 2023-2024 season


Calendar dates – next Worlds, FFI-Australia & East Coast:

 Queensland State Champs, Sandgate YC, 21st & 22nd Oct 2023

ACT Champs, Canberra YC, lake Burley Griffin, 11th & 12th Nov 2023

60th AUS Champs, Lake Macquarie YC, Belmont NSW, from 7th to 12th Jan 2024

Ossie McCutcheon Trophy, Venue and Date TBA

Victorian State Champs, Venue TBA, 9th to 11th March 2024

24th FFI-World Champ’s, Weymouth UK, Aug 2025


Planning for the FFI-V 2023-2024 season Calendar has been placed on hold whilst we wait for FFI-A to decide on a Victorian venue for the 2025 Australian championships. We have been advised this is likely in the coming week.  Once known, the FFI-V Committee will convene to get the next two seasons events calendar sorted.  It is the FFI-V Committee’s desire to have the 2024-2025 States as a lead up event for the 2025 AUS Champs in Victoria.

For this coming season the FFI-V Committee is looking to return the State Championships to the Labour Day long weekend in March 2024.


How to renew or register for FFI-V membership of season 2023-2024.    

Owner membership’s need to be renewed before 11th November to enable sending of boat registration to FFI-A by 15th November for eligibility to vote at next FFI-A AGM.

 Click here open the FFI-V website  then go to the Membership page.

At the bottom of this page, you will find a link for RETURNING MEMBER

        To pay by Credit Card use this link to renew your membership online.

        To pay by direct transfer or cheque download a membership form

                 from the bottom of the Membership page.

For Online renewal you will need to use your Australian Sailing number
as previously advised to FFI-V.
If you have any issues with the above or you need an Invoice from FFI-V please contact Dale Collings on 0415 595 754 or email


From Dale Collings

On Behalf of FFI-V
