
News Bulletin - for March 2022

Published Thu 03 Mar 2022

FFI-V March 2022 Bulletin


Calendar dates - Internationally and FFI-Australia:

59th AUS Championships, Perth, from 9th Mar 2023

2023 World Championships, Australia, Fremantle, Perth, 9th to 23rd Mar 2023

24th FFI-World Champ’s, Weymouth & Portland (WPNSA) UK, Jul–Aug 2025


Remaining events on FFI-V 2021-2022 season Calendar are:

FFI-V Ossie McCutcheon Trophy, Gippsland Lakes YC, 19 & 20th Mar 2022

58th FFI-V State Championships, Gippsland Lakes YC, 26 & 27th Mar 2022

The Ossie McCutcheon Trophy Regatta is FFI-V’s main coaching event for the season and we are fortunate to have Buster Hooper as our coach. This should be a great weekend of fun and learning.

  • Again, we have made provision for the Trophy Races to be swapped to the Saturday if the weather forecast for Sunday has a high probability of No racing. If this happens there will still be very useful coaching on the Sunday. See the blue font sections in the Notice of Race for the paragraphs that cover this variation.

Click on GLYC_FFIV 2021-22 Ossie McCutcheon Notice of Race to download.

Click here to go to the Ossie McCutcheon Trophy Event page to enter online.

The 58th FFI-V 2022 State Championships is Victoria’s principal event for the season.

Click on GLYC_FFI-V 2022 State Champ's Notice of Race to download a copy.

Click here to go to the 2022 State Championships Event page to enter online.

The above Event pages will be updated with a list of entrants and Sailing Instructions

For Online Entry (credit card only) first check your FFI-V membership is current (see the How to…paragraph below) then go to the above Event pages and select REGISTER

For Entry by form download Entry Forms from the bottom of above Event pages then
either complete and post the form and a Cheque
OR email the completed form and make a Direct Credit transfer to FFI-V account.

  • Contact Dale Collings on 0415 595754 (email: for queries on specifics not covered in the Notice of Race or to query an entry.

The FFI-V 2022 AGM is planned to be held on the Saturday of the State Championship weekend and a separate Notice of AGM will be issued shortly.


How to renew or register for FFI-V membership of season 2021-2022.    

Go to our FFI-V website (click on underlined title) then go to the Membership page.

At the bottom of this page, you will find a link to REGISTER or RENEW

        To pay by Credit Card use these links to renew your membership online.

        To pay by direct transfer or cheque download a membership form

                 from the bottom of the Membership page.

For Online renewal you will need to use your Australian Sailing number
as previously advised to FFI-V.
If you have any issues with the above or you need an Invoice from FFI-V please contact Dale Collings on 0415 595754 or email



Beginning with a Presidents Report

After what seems to have been an eternity without any sort of normal, we are now seeing some light at the end of a long tunnel.

Early last year amidst planning for future events it was decided to push the Ossie Mac and State Titles out as far as we could to hopefully out last the threat of a Covid shutdown. Well, you know what? It actually worked and it seems that the interest from our Victorian fleet has been great with talk of competitors heading to Gippsland, taking a week off and attending both events.

In the absence of regattas, it seems that FFIV and GLYC have enticed not just the local fleet but sailors’ interest from as far as Darwin, Lake Macquarie and South Australia. We welcome our interstate travellers and look forward to some solid competition on the racecourse.

For those sailors planning to enter either or both events please renew your Victorian Membership as per the instructions below and check that your insurance is up to date, looking forward to seeing you on the lake…          Kind Regards Cameron Taylor

ACT Flying Fifteen State Titles 2021

The 53rd ACT Flying Fifteen Championship was sailed on Lake Burley Griffin over the weekend of 13th and 14th of November. Weather was overcast and covered light winds on Saturday to a building weather pattern on Sunday.  The Championships was won by past Champions Craig and Ian Rainey on "Where the Bloody Hell are You”. Runners up where defending Champions Chris Villa and Mark Holmes from Lake Macquarie Cruising Club and 3rd place went to Mathew Mitchell and Simon McCowan from Canberra YC.

The regatta consisted of 5 races, 3 on Saturday & 2 on Sunday, in all races the leading yachts were close at all buoys and places were even decided on the downwind finish.

The highlight of the Regatta was on last leg of Race 5, when a gust of 29.6 knots blew down the course as we headed to the finish with our kites up.

FFI-ACT 2021 State Titles Results:

1st Craig Rainey, Ian Rainey, "WTBHAY" – 5pts

2nd Chris Villa, Mark Holmes, "Up Ships Creek" – 6pts

3rd Matthew Mitchell, Simon McCowan, "Super Snabb" – 11pts

I would like to thank CYC and all their members for their support and help during the regatta, in particular Neal Davis for his sailing report that I have borrowed from.

Gippsland Lakes Yacht Club (GLYC) FF Report – November 2021

After a long break, Sailing at GLYC recommenced on the 7th November with a sail past to welcome the new Commodore and the sailing program has been fine tuned to fit in key heritage races along with a championship event.

Interestingly the social sailing conducted Tuesday evenings has been the winner so far, 30 boats competed in last Tuesdays event.  In stark contrast the Flying Fifteen numbers have been slow to build, we have only had 2 Fifteens on the water.

Trevor Williams, FF3611, has been rebuilding his sailing program after taking a small break, so we look forward to seeing him improve now he is back on the water. Dave Parish, FF3617, has been sailing with his daughter, Ginny, and has been rapidly improving, we are expecting his yacht at the cruising club this week after winter repairs.

I have also seen the FF Vic States scheduled into the GLYC calendar, which is good sign for next year.                                                       Yours in Sailing:  Ian Rainey

Davey’s Bay Yacht Club (DBYC) Season 2021 / 2022 so far:

A FFrabjous Day Out…..Finally Mother nature let us play again! No falling trees, no earthquakes and the big C19 had finally taken a back seat. Time for some serious sailing again. Four intrepid crews made it down to DBYC to rig their boats. The boys from Flying Blind then did an excellent rendition of “Dude where’s my rudder” and the fleet was narrowed down to three. Winds of 16 to 18 Kts and five short windward leeward courses greeted, Ffortuna, Fandango and Endorffin sharing the course with an assortment of single handers. Dynamic and close racing ensued with multiple lead changes in each race, as well as, numerous examples of skills being in need of more time on the water. Dave Streader and Glen Kirkof in Endorffin played a blinder winning all 5 races with Sue Thompson and Cameron Taylor in hot pursuit until one spectacular round up led to a return to the jetty for some fine tuning. The Ffortuna boys Matt Barry and Ed Brewis were aiming to minimise their “stuffupery factor” and improved with each lap managing to prevent a clean sweep by Endorffin to win the final race back to the jetty.

It was awesome, it was challenging and each person left with that delighted grin that always comes with a good day out on the water. Those of you who missed it there’s nothing like an afternoon surfing your 15 down some waves in hot pursuit of the finish line. There’s rumours of a half case of bubbles waiting to be won when we hit the magic number of 15’s on the water. So, get yourself down to the club for the next racing session!                                                                                       from Ed Brewis

[Editor’s note: the magic number of 10 Fifteens on the water on the same day was reached at DBYC in February and the Champagne was awarded.]

Apollo Bay Sailing Club (ABSC) 2021-2022 season update r

December 2021  The season is well under way and fingers crossed, apart from a small delay in getting started, Covid-19 disruptions have not been an issue so far

From our Classic fleet six boats have all raced at least once this season: Affrodite, April Dancer, Euffamism, Fern Elizabeth, Shiralee and State of the Ark. We’ve managed to get a fleet of four racing on a couple of occasions.

We’ve now completed five races, with a couple of races abandoned due to strong winds and/or the effects of the dreaded easterlies on wave conditions.

The racing has been hotly contested, with some close sailing on occasions. April Dancer narrowly leads the competition at this stage, by virtue of being game enough of to raise the spinnaker a couple of times in windy conditions when others were taking a more cautious approach. Euffamism is second and Affrodite follows in third, sailing well but behind after having missed a couple of races. Overall results are here. We are all looking forward to some warmer events and possibly bigger fleets now that summer conditions have finally arrived.                                                    from Bruce Johnson


All motions on the 2021 FFI class ballot were passed.

  • The first item on that Ballot was that these rule changes would
    become effective on 1st March 2022 as this ballot was done a year earlier than the regularly planned ballots.
  • The second item was to make the website the main source for class information.

FFI have posted on their website on the Document & Rules page the new
FFI Class Rules 2022 which has on the first page “Effective Date: 2022-03-01”

A summary of the Ballot rule changes (other than the 2 items above) is clearly covered in the FFI-Australia Chief Measurer’s Report 2021 Calendar Year (click here to view).

For second item in this Report is the change to minimum hull weights:

  • Hull weight reduced from 138 kg to 133 kg minimum, & maximum corrector weight also reduced by 5 kg, to 16 kg.

For this item the FFI – Chief Measurer has posted on the Document & Rules page a Corrector Removal Procedure however our FFI-V Measurer has advised that there will be no full FF re-weighs before the 2022 State Championships, in line with the recent hull changes voted in, due to time constraints.

Click on any of the above underlined pages/documents to link to those pages.

From Dale Collings

On Behalf of FFI-V
