Tuning & Racing Guides

International Tuning and Racing Guides

Links to VIDEOS specific to Flying Fifteens 

Link to Flying Fifteen International (FFI ) webpage with Flying 15s Training & Action Videos     https://www.flying15.org/Gallery/Video-Gallery 

Videos include:  an Introduction to the 2022 Video Series,  with separate videos for:
Boat Setup,    Upwind Performance,   Reaching Performance,   Improving Downwind Performance,   Tuning Tips,   Maintenance.


The Flying Fifteen fleet is renowned for sharing information to help each other.

Every one of the top sailors will gladly talk about tuning and technique, as will the main sailmakers and boat builders. 

Two UK sailmakers currently active within the class of Fifteens with great success have tuning guides on their websites, these include detailed measurements for mast rake, position, tension etc. Remember these guides are designed for UK boats most of which have their shroud plates through the gunwhales. Many Australian boats have the shroud plate further inboard, this will have a small effect on the spreader length, etc. A former BIFFA President - David McKee also had some tuning notes published and these may be accessed via the BIFFA website.

Other Links
  Goacher Sails  with link "F15 Tuning Guide" to download 3 page Tuning Guide
  Pinnell and Bax scroll down to Flying Fifteen Tuning Guide to download 1 page P&B guide
  BIFFA  The UK Flying Fifteen Association
  BIFFA blog


FFI members will already be aware of the FFI Ballot held last year (2016) after very lengthy trials overseas and in Australia. Those items that were successful came into effect from 1stMarch 2017 and included changes to the Headsail Dimensions. 

Existing Headsails already measured may continue to be used in perpetuity, plus sold and transferred to another boat. See FFI-A web page –Latest News – Sails

New Headsails, or any headsail not yet measured, must conform to the March 2017 Class Rules for 13.6.2 Headsail – Dimensions.(page 11). 

How to set up the new Headsail on your Flying Fifteen will depend on the layout (design/builder) of your boat. We have sought some advise on a couple of boat and sail designs as follows and will seek more and publish in next Bulletin and include here. 

Goacher Headsails on Ovington hulls: Cameron Taylor sought details from Steve Goacherwho advises: 

To fit the new headsail 
-Genoa halyard requires to be shortened by 330mm.
-Jib tracks should be moved inboard down to the very bottom of the 45 degree sloping side deck
For the full email go to this link. Or direct to the Goacher web site

South Eastern Sails headsail on the latest Shand Hull. Dale Collings has set this up on Aussie Falcon and advises the Jib track did not need to be moved. Simply moved the jib car to the front of track in lumpy seas then back as the wind picks up. Dale is still tuning this setup and will offer updates to those interested.

Pinnell & Bax (P&B) sails advised

We can supply replacement halyards for those moving to the new jib. The new halyards are around 300mm shorter although length does depend a little on individual set up.

The track placement can be found on the P&B tuning guide. Be aware that there is an error as the dimension from transom has been miss labelled as being from the centreline.

Sheet tension is generally less than the genoa. It is important that the telltales break together in lower wind speeds and that the leech is not closed too much in the upper wind speeds. The strut can be eased slightly earlier to encourage the mast to bend lower opening the slot in the higher wind speeds.

